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or post your question on the Facebook group.


The 8-WEEK MS Fitness Challenge



Progress Sheet

WEEK #4 AGENDA: Learn How to Talk to Your Muscles. David Shares His Story About His MS Diagnosis. Perform Exercise Sequence. 


WEEK #4 GOALS: Exercises focus on Core, Upper Body & Foot Drop. Perform all exercise 2-3 times a week and write down your results! 


SAFETY TIPS: Keep a fan on you. Turn down your A/C to 68 degrees or COLD. Keep your hair off your neck. Remove any sharp corners or tables from your exercise area. Drink ice cold water between every exercise.  Make sure to continue to breathe during the exercise, continue to remind yourself not to hold your breath.



Scientific Research

On Strength Training & MS

Did you know that scientific research has proven that Strength-Training // Resistance-Training improves muscle strength and functional capacity in multiple sclerosis? 


A 12-week research study, performed by the Department of Sport Science at the University of Aarhus in 2009, sought to test the hypothesis that progressive resistance training can improve muscle strength and functional capacity in patients with MS. 1


The research consisted of having 2 different groups. Each group was made up of 19 people of moderately impaired patients with MS. One group performed resistance training exercises for 12-weeks while the other group performed no resistance training.


The result was that those in the group that performed resistance-training had significantly improved in knee extensions as well as functional capacity compared to the control group. The control group (those that didn't perform resistance-training) then performed resistance training and saw their knee extension and functional capacity improve!


Just like the participants in this study - you are strength-training! Keep it up and you will see results. Science proves it!! 





  • How do I subscribe?
    Click on this link and provide your information:
  • Should I ask my doctor before performing these exercises?
    Yes. We recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
  • Can I get rid of my MS by exercising?
    No. Currently there is no cure for MS. But research does suggest that strength training can provide relief to many of your symptoms.
  • Will my MS symptoms improve after these workouts?
    MS is not a curable disease, yet. But everyone should exercise for a healthier life, and research does support added benefits to MS symptoms after exercising.
  • Can I customize my workouts?
    Not yet. We are currently working on making individual workouts available to you, as well as the ability to create and customize your own playlists.
  • Can I perform the workouts if I am in a wheelchair?
    Yes. We have an entire wheelchair series that focuses on upper body and core strengthening.
  • Can I execute all of the workouts?
    Yes. If there is a particular exercise that you cannot perform, then don't force yourself to perform it. We encourage everyone to try and challenge themselves, but don't force yourself into an unsafe or painful zone.
  • Are the exercises safe for me?
    Yes. They are low-impact and high-intensity exercises that keep your body and joints safe. But we still recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
  • Is this safe to do at my house alone?
    Yes, but we encourage you to take responsibility for your own safety in this regard. Discuss this with your doctor first.
  • How long are the exercise sessions?
    Each exercise session is 20-30 minutes long. There are generally 6-10 different exercises in each session, with rest periods in between.
  • How often should I exercise?
    We recommend you execute our videos two to threee times a week depending on how your body is feeling.
  • Are the exercises really hard?
    The exercises will range in difficulty based on your strength or weakness in areas of your body. For example, you may have atrophy in your calves, so calf raises might be very difficult to perform in the beginning. However, performing a bicep curl may be easier if your arms are stronger than your calves. Our exercises are designed to give you flexibility in difficulty. If you feel like challenging yourself to the max, then use a heavier band. If you want to take it easy and just get some exercise in, then use a band with less resistance.
  • Will there be a trainer watching me?
    No. There will not be a trainer able to watch you while you are exercising from home. This is an option that we may provide in the future.
  • What equipment do I need to perform the workout videos?
    You will need a CLX Theraband, which you can purchase at our webstore: One Free Yellow Theraband will be provided for free when you subscribe.
  • How do I purchase an exercise band?
    Step 1: Click on Step 2: Click on the exercise band you want. They are in order from heaviest to lightest resistance and are separated by wheelchair and standing series. Step 3: Click Purchase. Step 4: Enter your information. Step 5: Wait to receive your equipment in the mail.
  • When do I need to upgrade my exercise bands?
    You will need to upgrade your exercise bands whenever you get stronger and the exercises aren't challenging you. You should be able to exercise until the last 30 seconds of each set which is what we call the "exhaust range." If you cannot reach the very end of the exhaust range then you don't need to progress to a stronger band yet. If you can reach past the exhaust range then you should upgrade to a higher resistance band.
  • What is the Steady-Pace Technique?
    The Steady-Pace Technique is a unique way of exercising based on the principals of slow-motion strength training. It was developed by Practical Fitness Studios in Austin, TX and has been executed there thousands of times. Steady-Pace slows down your rep time thereby engaging your body and muscles at a much higher level than traditional methods.

8 Week Challenge - SCHEDULE

WEEK 1 -- Laying Down the Foundation - Mobility & Balance


WEEK 2 -- Waking Up the Muscles - Foot Drop, Core, and Upper Body


WEEK 3 -- Walking Strong - Mobility & Balance


WEEK 4 -- All About That Core - Foot Drop, Core, and Upper Body


WEEK 5 -- Half Way Point - Mobility & Balance


WEEK 6 -- Perfect Form and Technique - Foot Drop, Core, and Upper Body


WEEK 7 -- Sticking with Exercise - Mobility & Balance


WEEK 8 -- Final Effort - Foot Drop, Core, and Upper Body


WEEK 9 -- Graduation!


"My mission is to change lives through strength training by providing safe and effective workouts to those living with Multiple Sclerosis all Across the World."  - David Lyons

Certified Trainers With Years of Experience Treating Multiple Sclerosis


David Lyons

Founder of MS Fitness Challenge 


Jeff Gotte

Exercise Physiologist  M. Ed - BS Exercise Science  NSCA-CSCS, ACE-PT

Along with MS Workouts, David works with organizations such as Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Medical Fitness Network and MS Views & News to help educate and train both fitness professionals and MSers on the importance of fitness, nutrition, and mindset in battling this disease.  David's goal is to bring exercise and healthy nutrition to every person living with MS.

In 2009, Jeff co-founded Practical Fitness in Austin, TX, a private personal studio specialized in strength training for busy professionals. Jeff has personally executed thousands of sessions with individuals dealing with many types of physical challenges, ranging from hip and knee replacements to lung transplants.  Jeff also oversaw Practical Fitness strength training pilot program for individuals with MS sponsored by the MS Society. 

What is



Together with the Director of Physical Therapy at Central Texas Neurology Consultants and the personal trainers at Practical Fitness Studios, our mission is to bring safe & effective online exercise to those living with Multiple Sclerosis.


MS Workouts - White -Logo



We are a team of passionate physical therapists, personal trainers, nurses and videographers who have worked together to create the world's first at-home online strength training program developed exclusively for people living with MS who seek to strengthen their body to manage their symptoms. 

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Contact us at: 

512 993 7037

11675 Jollyville Road - Suite 151

Austin, TX, 78759

© Practical Fitness Online, LLC

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