The Most Effective Strengthening Technique for
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
The Steady-Pace® technique was developed Practical Fitness studios in Austin and Plano, TX. After a successful trial run performing the Steady-Pace® technique with participants from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Practical Fitness Studios teamed up with Tina Warring, Director of Physical Therapy at the Central Texas Neurology Consultants. Together, we created MSWorkouts.com, an online exercise program designed exclusively for targeting symptoms relating to MS. Since then, MS Workouts has been helping people across the globe gain better balance, combat foot drop, and increase their strength - all through the MS Workouts on-demand membership platform.
The science-based strengthening technique we've developed called Steady-Pace® is the most effective way to strength train while living with Multiple Sclerosis. By slowing down your movement, we keep your body and joints safe from injury while at the same time engaging your neuromuscular system at a much more meaningful level than traditional exercise. Since Steady-Pace® is a high-intensity and low-impact technique, you will achieve great results by exercising for one hour a week.
Strength training can help you:
- Improve Mobility and Balance
- Control & Alleviate Foot Drop
- Boost Energy
- Lose Weight
- Increase Stamina

What Comes with a Membership?
Free Beginner's Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Theraband
Members receive a theraband when they sign up. This way you can jump right into strength training. You can slide your hands and feet through the loops, incase your grip is impeded. If you're in a wheelchair we also include carabiners that lets you hook the bands to your wheels.
Progress Journal & Clip Pen
Measuring your progress is a hallmark of MS Workouts. With the progress journal, you can easily record the time you achieved full exhaustion for each exercise.
Consultation with David Lyons
Schedule your free one-on-one consultation with David when you become a member. Together, you will build an exercise plan that works for your body, your schedule, and your goals.

Standing Exercise Class
This weekly-updated exercise class targets your entire body. It will improve your strength, balance, coordination, and so much more. Perform this class 2-3x a week if you already stand most of the time with casual assistance.
Wheelchair & Seated Exercise Class
This weekly-updated exercise class targets your upper body, core and lower body. It will improve your stamina, balance, and range of motion. This class is perfect if you use a wheelchair or walker most of the time.
Symptom-Specific Exercise Series
Since every individual has specific symptoms, we've developed several exercise classes that target particular symptoms on an individual basis. Some classes are: Foot Drop, Grip Strength, Weak Core, Pelvic Tilt, etc.
Personalized Exercise Routines
Customize your own routine to create an exercise plan that works for your particular situation. Choose from our entire database of exercises and stretches, and use your own routine during your weekly exercise sessions.
Stretching Collection
Get ready to reduce your spasticity, decrease tightness, increase flexibility, and blow flow throughout your entire body. Stretching is often a great way to reduce pain that you're experiencing around your joints and muscles.
Form Videos
Not sure if you're performing an exercise correctly? We'll break down the movement so that you know how to perform the exercises safely and effectively.
Healthy Recipes
View our healthy recipes to inspire your creativity in the kitchen. Whole food, nutrient-dense recipes are the focus of our recipe series.
How-To Videos
These tutorials will outline the basics & intricacies of theraband progression, graphics, website, and much more. Use these resources to re-familiarize yourself with the different aspects of the program from time to time.
Customer Support & Access to Instructors for Questions
Our team is available every day to help answer your questions. Not sure if you're performing an exercise correctly? Confused about the website? Let us know and we'll help get you dialed in.
Foot Drop Exercise Class
Membership Required*

Raymond - "After 2 days, I am noticing an improvement in my gait."
Foot drop, is the inability to lift the front part of the foot due to weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the lower limb. Consequently, individuals living with foot drop have to lift their entire lower limb higher in order to avoid dragging and scuffing their feet on their ground. In some instances, foot drop can affect one foot or both feet. There are several conditions that cause foot drop, but it is a common symptom of neurodegenerative diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, stroke and cerebral palsy.
The Foot Drop Exercise Class is the perfect place for you to combat foot drop. In the class we've hybridized the Steady-Pace® technique with exercises designed by Tina Warring, Director of Physical Therapy at the Central Texas Neurology Consultants. This class will effectively strengthen the muscles around your foot and ankle, improving joint control and gait. The results for many of our clients has been astounding. We've seen improvements in gait in just a few days and overall increase in control of the dropping of the foot.
To sum it all up, our members are falling less, walking with more confidence, and are actively building more strength around their foot to keep it from dropping.

Classes for Improving Mobility & Balance
Membership Required*
The Mobility Exercise Class was created to keep you on your feet, independent and moving. This class has several exercises that work on strengthening the muscles in your lower body. By having stronger calves, hamstrings, quads, glutes, spinae erectors, and core, -- you will be able to walk longer with better stability and balance, because you'll have higher capacity for control.
The Mobility (Lite) Exercise Class was developed as an entry point for those who who spend most of their time in a wheelchair or walker. Each exercise is performed from a seated position. Every movement is designed to add strength to your lower body. The ultimate goal of this class is to add enough strength and coordination, to which you can slowly move into the Mobility Exercise Class - to further improve your mobility.

With over 30+ years of combined experience, your team
has worked with thousands of individuals living with MS.
An Easy-To-Follow Exercise Routine
flexible payment plans
Yellow CLX Multi-Loop
Theraband, Progress
Journal, and Pen.
A Subscription renews each month. That means you can cancel payment anytime.
Each session is 20-30min long.
Strength training is fast!
Track your strength gains for each exercise. Increase your resistance as you continue to get stronger.