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The Original Strength-Training
Program for Multiple Sclerosis™

Since 2017 

Now, you can reduce your MS Symptoms and improve your mobility with just two to three 30 Minute exercise sessions per week. MS Workouts is an online science-based strength training program that aims to progressively tax the body via the active engagement of the neuromuscular system. Our exercises are 100% muscle-led and there is no momentum involved, ensuring an extremely safe workout. 

We complement your exercises with stretch & yoga sessions for a total body workout. 

"The program has enhanced my mobility, balance & strength"

Real people getting real results



"The team at MS Workouts have gone above and beyond to create a program that is simple and effective, giving individual help when more relying on electric carts while shopping or allowing more physical stamina for other daunting tasks. 


"I've already recommended the programs to others. Thank you MS Workouts for giving me more confidence and freedoms."

Read more success stories...!


Step #1: Perform Your Fundamentals


15-20 Minute Classes I Perform 2-3 Times Per Week  
Standing Class | Seated Class

Living with MS often means more inactivity because of painful symptoms that prevent you from staying active and doing what you love. Our Full Body Fundamentals Exercise Class targets every muscle in your body so that you can directly reduce atrophy and improve your current state.

By performing our Full Body Fundamentals Exercise Class, you will improve your: 

+ overall strength & flexibility
+ cardiovascular health
+ stamina & energy
+ balance & coordination
+ energy levels


Choose the symptom you want to improve

When properly performed, strength training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being.  What strength training is doing for those living with MS is reversing atrophy directly (or indirectly) caused by functional inactivity in one's lifestyle due to symptoms/lesions. 


By performing our weekly-updated classes 2 to 3 times a week, you will increase your strength and reduce symptoms like poor balance, poor mobility, foot drop, spasticity, and fatigue.


Weekly Exercise Plan

Every Sunday you will receive brand new full-body exercise & stretch sessions designed to increase your mobility, improve foot drop & reduce fatigue

MS Workouts  MS Workouts - Full-Body Exe

Progress Journal Tool

The exclusive Online Progress Journal allows you to measure your results for each exercise and compare them to previous ones

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Live Group Consultations

Every Tuesday, your certified trainer, Jeff Gotte, M. ED, hosts a live group consultation where you can ask questions and learn new tips about the weekly workouts


Live Yoga Sessions

Join your fellow members performing live weekly therapeutic yoga sessions.  We offer two classes: gentle & chair yoga.


How it works

  1.  Become a member and complete the New Member Orientation

  2.  Perform weekly full-body exercise & stretch classes

  3.  Record your results into your Online Progress Journal

  4.  Attend weekly live consultations with your trainer to get your questions answered

  5.  Complement your routine with therapeutic yoga for your active-rest days

  6.  Progressively strengthen your muscles by upgrading the resistance band

Offering flexible payment plans

Choose the plan that works best for you


$30/ month

Standing Class

Wheelchair & Seated Class

Symptom-Specific Series

Challenges (workout series)

Stretch Sessions

Therapeutic Yoga Sessions

Online Progress Journal

Closed Facebook Group

Live Consultations with Trainer

Direct Support (email & phone)

Getting Started Booklet

Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Band

3-Month (15% OFF)

$25.32/ month

Billed $76 every 3 months

Standing Class

Wheelchair & Seated Class

Symptom-Specific Series

Challenges (workout series)

Stretch Sessions

Therapeutic Yoga Sessions

Online Progress Journal

Closed Facebook Group

Live Consultations with Trainer

Direct Support (email & phone)

Getting Started Booklet

Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Band

12-Month (20% OFF)

$23.91/ month

Billed $287 every 12 months

Standing Class

Wheelchair & Seated Class

Symptom-Specific Series

Challenges (workout series)

Stretch Sessions

Therapeutic Yoga Sessions

Online Progress Journal

Closed Facebook Group

Live Consultations with Trainer

Direct Support (email & phone)

Getting Started Booklet

Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Band

Subscriptions automatically renew after each payment cycle.  Cancel anytime.  If you live outside of the Continental United States, there is a $15.00 international shipping & handling fee to send your starter kit (band(s) & booklet).

Try MS Workouts for free right now

Strength training improves fatigue, mobility, & foot drop

MS Research supports the benefits of strength training

Doctor Teaching on Seminar



In 2019, the International Journal of MS Care published a study that showed strength training improves gait in people living with Multiple Sclerosis.  Many studies report significant between-group & within-group strength improvements and changes, including improvements in gait speed and endurance.

The only MS-specific strength training program developed by

physical therapists, exercise physiologists 

nurses, & MS champions


Jeff Gotte, M. Ed

Exercise Physiologist and Co-Founder of Practical Fitness Exercise Studios


Lori Mayer,


MS Research Specialist


Jacqueline Vandergaag,

B.Sc. Biomedical Science

University of Guelph

Accountability Coach

Diagnosed with MS

in 2009


Colton Watzlavick



MS Personal Coach

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Veena Kashyap

Certified Yoga Teacher

Specialized in Therapeutic Yoga


Felipe Lerner

B.A. Radio, Television & Film

University of North Texas

 Member Support Specialist

With 100+ years of combined experience, your team has worked with thousands of individuals living with MS

"helped me stay upright and mobile"

"MS Workouts has helped me stay upright and mobile by giving me the tools and the ability to strengthen my muscles through the slow pace strength training video exercises they provide.  Thank you guys for being there for us all."




"THIS WORKS, 100%"


"I can't emphasize enough that this will work for you.  I'm 37 years old and I also had a stroke AND THIS WORKS, 100%.  I'm just out of therapy, and this is a great replacement to add into your routine."




"staff is stellar and super responsive"


"Finding MS Workouts was a godsend.  Their knowledgeable, companionate staff allowed me to remain in my own home, conduct my session on my schedule, and pause as needed.  Your staff is stellar and super responsive to any questions I may have.  Love you guys!"



Become a member and start exercising immediately

Therapeutic yoga for MS

Perform yoga between your workout days

Standing Session | Seated Session

Our yoga sessions are recorded live on Wednesdays and then uploaded to the membership website where it can be accessed any time that is convenient for you during the week.
"Yoga is for everyone.  Yoga has the power to heal on physical, mental and spiritual levels.  Yoga centers us at the core of our being physically, mentally and energetically.  I hope to empower people not only through physical practice, but through mental and spiritual practice as well." - Veena Kashyap, Yoga Instructor

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MS Workouts catalogue:

100+ exercise/stretch videos



Strengthen core


The Weak Core I & II Series targets all of the muscles in your core allowing for greater stability

Learn more >



Customize your routine


Add exercises to your workout routine to put extra attention towards your weakest areas

Learn more >



Challenge yourself


Don't limit your challenge, challenge your limits!  Our Challenges are 4-12 week programs, often designed around specific symptoms

Learn more >

Meditation Class


Focus on body & mind


Join Michelle Silva every week as she guides you through 2 different yoga sessions, standing & seated

Learn more >



Increase body strength


The weekly updated classes comprehensively improve the lower body, core, and upper body

Learn more >



Relieve tightness


Stretch daily so as to add flexibility, decrease spasticity, relieve pain, and increase blood flow to muscle tissue

Learn more >



Combat foot drop


Increasing strength to the muscles that contribute to foot drop can allow the foot to lift higher and for longer so you can walk better

Learn more >



Improve walking ability


The Mobility & Mobility (lite) Series strengthens your entire lower body giving you better balance and coordination

Learn more >

Free start up kit when you join

Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Theraband  +  Getting Started Booklet


"My foot drop has improved"

Real people, real results




"Since following the program 2-3 times per week for 6 months my foot drop has improved to the point that I only wear my AFO for long-distance/tough terrain walking.  I'm stronger and have more endurance for activities like taking my grandsons to the park.

"The Facebook Group is such a bonus.  Having MS can be isolating.  Having others 'there' to listen, relate and encourage is such a blessing."

Read more success stories...!

  • How do I subscribe?
    Click on this link and provide your information:
  • Should I ask my doctor before performing these exercises?
    Yes. We recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
  • Can I get rid of my MS by exercising?
    No. Currently there is no cure for MS. But research does suggest that strength training can provide relief to many of your symptoms.
  • Will my MS symptoms improve after these workouts?
    MS is not a curable disease, yet. But everyone should exercise for a healthier life, and research does support added benefits to MS symptoms after exercising.
  • Can I customize my workouts?
    Not yet. We are currently working on making individual workouts available to you, as well as the ability to create and customize your own playlists.
  • Can I perform the workouts if I am in a wheelchair?
    Yes. We have an entire wheelchair series that focuses on upper body and core strengthening.
  • Can I execute all of the workouts?
    Yes. If there is a particular exercise that you cannot perform, then don't force yourself to perform it. We encourage everyone to try and challenge themselves, but don't force yourself into an unsafe or painful zone.
  • Are the exercises safe for me?
    Yes. They are low-impact and high-intensity exercises that keep your body and joints safe. But we still recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
  • Is this safe to do at my house alone?
    Yes, but we encourage you to take responsibility for your own safety in this regard. Discuss this with your doctor first.
  • How long are the exercise sessions?
    Each exercise session is 20-30 minutes long. There are generally 6-10 different exercises in each session, with rest periods in between.
  • How often should I exercise?
    We recommend you execute our videos two to threee times a week depending on how your body is feeling.
  • Are the exercises really hard?
    The exercises will range in difficulty based on your strength or weakness in areas of your body. For example, you may have atrophy in your calves, so calf raises might be very difficult to perform in the beginning. However, performing a bicep curl may be easier if your arms are stronger than your calves. Our exercises are designed to give you flexibility in difficulty. If you feel like challenging yourself to the max, then use a heavier band. If you want to take it easy and just get some exercise in, then use a band with less resistance.
  • Will there be a trainer watching me?
    No. There will not be a trainer able to watch you while you are exercising from home. This is an option that we may provide in the future.
  • What equipment do I need to perform the workout videos?
    You will need a CLX Theraband, which you can purchase at our webstore: One Free Yellow Theraband will be provided for free when you subscribe.
  • How do I purchase an exercise band?
    Step 1: Click on Step 2: Click on the exercise band you want. They are in order from heaviest to lightest resistance and are separated by wheelchair and standing series. Step 3: Click Purchase. Step 4: Enter your information. Step 5: Wait to receive your equipment in the mail.
  • When do I need to upgrade my exercise bands?
    You will need to upgrade your exercise bands whenever you get stronger and the exercises aren't challenging you. You should be able to exercise until the last 30 seconds of each set which is what we call the "exhaust range." If you cannot reach the very end of the exhaust range then you don't need to progress to a stronger band yet. If you can reach past the exhaust range then you should upgrade to a higher resistance band.
  • What is the Steady-Pace Technique?
    The Steady-Pace Technique is a unique way of exercising based on the principals of slow-motion strength training. It was developed by Practical Fitness Studios in Austin, TX and has been executed there thousands of times. Steady-Pace slows down your rep time thereby engaging your body and muscles at a much higher level than traditional methods.

Take the fight to the muscles

Offering flexible payment plans

Choose the plan that works best for you


$30/ month

Standing Class

Wheelchair & Seated Class

Symptom-Specific Series

Challenges (workout series)

Stretch Sessions

Therapeutic Yoga Sessions

Online Progress Journal

Closed Facebook Group

Live Consultations with Trainer

Direct Support (email & phone)

Getting Started Booklet

Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Band

3-Month (15% OFF)

$25.32/ month

Billed $76 every 3 months

Standing Class

Wheelchair & Seated Class

Symptom-Specific Series

Challenges (workout series)

Stretch Sessions

Therapeutic Yoga Sessions

Online Progress Journal

Closed Facebook Group

Live Consultations with Trainer

Direct Support (email & phone)

Getting Started Booklet

Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Band

12-Month (20% OFF)

$23.91/ month

Billed $287 every 12 months

Standing Class

Wheelchair & Seated Class

Symptom-Specific Series

Challenges (workout series)

Stretch Sessions

Therapeutic Yoga Sessions

Online Progress Journal

Closed Facebook Group

Live Consultations with Trainer

Direct Support (email & phone)

Getting Started Booklet

Yellow CLX Multi-Loop Band

Subscriptions automatically renew after each payment cycle.  Cancel anytime.  If you live outside of the Continental United States, there is a $15.00 international shipping & handling fee to send your starter kit (band(s) & booklet).

MS Workouts - White -Logo



We are a team of passionate physical therapists, personal trainers, nurses and videographers who have worked together to create the world's first at-home online strength training program developed exclusively for people living with MS who seek to strengthen their body to manage their symptoms. 

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Contact us at: 

512 993 7037

11675 Jollyville Road - Suite 151

Austin, TX, 78759

© Practical Fitness Online, LLC

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